Monday, February 11, 2008

"We the People" Bookshelf -- Some New Old Reads

Just as medical students are advised to read in the humanities, it's good to try something out of your usual genre once in a while. That's the idea behind "Cabin Fever Winter Reading Program" which is going on right now for teens and adults. You're encouraged to read a variety of types of books.

Here's an idea--try one of our new "old" books the library received thru an NEH grant called "We the People." The theme this year is "The Pursuit of Happiness." The list is on the Children's page, but they're not just for youth.

Reach the list on our website ( by clicking on "Children's Library" on the left hand margin, then scroll down and click on "Pursuit of Happiness." Or, go here:

Break that Cabin Fever today!

Last Chance for Making a Valentine

A big THANK-YOU to all who stopped by last week to make valentines for Country Health patients. We still need more valentines, as there are about 70 patients, so if you have a little time, please stop in before Tuesday evening (that's when I'll be delivering them). We have all the stuff, you bring your creativity. It doesn't take much time, and it's fun to create something unique and beautiful, and will lift someone's spirits on Valentine's Day.

Please come to the Children's Desk and ask for me. Hope to see YOU!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Make a Valentine for Nursing Home Residents

We are making valentines for nursing home residents in Gifford, this Thursday and Friday, Feb. 7 and 8, at the Rantoul Public Library. Anyone can participate; we need at least 70 cards. Come down to the Activity Room after school.

My First Test Post

This is my first posting! Yay, I'm now being published.

I hope you all like what I have to share with you.

And, I hope you'll share with me too!