Friday, December 10, 2010

BookSpace and S/F BookSpace is HERE!!

Have I got your attention? Really, wouldn't it be cool to have a space to write and discuss your thoughts on the latest and greatest books?

Well, why not HERE?!! What book would you like to start with?
I'm going to go ahead and suggest: THE HUNGER GAMES TRILOGY . . . . did you know that the 2nd book in the trilogy was recently voted the favorite teen book? Yep, it's CATCHING FIRE . . . followed by MOCKINGJAY, all by young adult author Suzanne Collins. Adventure, Science Fiction-- in a Dystopia of the 22nd century.

Although this is also in the S/F genre, I'm really excited about the new movie VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER, based on C.S. Lewis' Narnia books. I thought we could start another book discussion at the same time. We can start with THE LION, THE WITCH, AND THE WARDROBE, then continue with the other Narnia books.

If you have a suggestion, respond to this post. Let's have an online discussion over the holidays as we read and re-read our fave books. Read, Stop by often and contribute often!